Getting Qute with Q2Han! — The Kraze (2025)

Written and Interviewed by J.Ventinilla

Based out of South Korea, twin sisters Qjin and Qwon and their YouTube channel, Q2Han, have been on the rise as creators who have a passion for fashion and beauty. With over 366,000 subscribers on their channel, you can catch Qjin and Qwon on their adventures in South Korea, traveling across the globe, as well as fashion-centered and & K-Beauty videos. The Kraze had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Qjin and Qwon during KCON LA 2018 (which was also their first time attending KCON LA) and sit down to talk about their career in fashion, as YouTubers, and getting to know them!

1: For our readers who are getting the chance to know you for the first time, can you please give a little introduction about yourself?

Qwon: So we are twin sisters. We started as a DIY/Fashion [creators] but then when we moved back to Korea it gradually expanded into vlogging, K-Beauty, and K-Fashion. So there is a lot of Korean/K-Culture related content on our channel.

2: What inspired you both to get into fashion?

Both: Ever since we were in high school.
Qwon: We started taking sewing class [in high school]. Every week we made a garment and we always got good grades.
Qjin: We thought that maybe this is our “thing.” We really enjoy the process of sewing and pattern grafting. It really clicked with us. That’s how it started with fashion.
Both: We went to FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising) [after high school].
Qwon: We took fashion design courses for two years then we rested for a year. For one year, we worked in the fashion industry then after, we thought about creating our own business. So that’s when we entered a business management program.

3: As YouTubers, what are the strengths and challenges of being on YouTube, creating content, and staying motivated to consistently upload?

Qwon: I think one challenge is coming up with content.
Qjin: We’re always thinking of what should we film next. Another challenge is not being too stressed over the numbers on YouTube. That can be really stressful when you focus on the numbers too much. You really want to have with it and connect with your audience

4: What do you have in store for Qtees (their fans/followers) in the future?

Qwon: We really want to create our online shop where we can design our own clothing/garments but it’s currently in the process right now. That’s something we’re really considering doing. We always say we love exploring cafes in Korea, so we always say we’re going to make a cafe where our Qtees can come in and enjoy with us.

5: We’ve heard that you may be launching your own brand, what can Qtees anticipate from it?

Qwon: A lot of people say they want something unique but wearable/approachable. That’s kind of like our style. We always mix and match.
Qjin: Something like in one piece, you can mix-match with other pieces and wear repetitively.

6: Do you have any advice for those interested in exploring fashion?

Both: Don’t be fixed into one style.
Qwon: See what style fits you the best. A lot of our Qtees say that we helped them to get out of their comfort zone and try something new. Something like that is key in fashion.

7: Since you’ve been traveling, especially for your meet and greets, which location has proven to be your favorite fashion destination?

Qjin: I think nothing beats Korea.
Qwon: When we travel, we don’t really focus on the fashion. We’re more interested in their culture. So if we have to choose a country where we think the fashion really resonates with our style is Korea.

8: What is one item that you can't travel without (other than your passport!)?

Qjin: Earrings!
Qwon: Oh yeah! Earrings! It’s like one of our go-to things. We always have earrings.
Qjin: I feel naked without them. I think I would choose my earrings over my makeup.

9: Are there any styles that you’d like to experiment with?

Qjin: For me, I would like to try a more feminine style. I wear like a tomboy-ish style. I don’t really go out with a lacy/floral dress.
Qwon: Qjin is more like a sporty-chic kind of style.
Qjin: Qwon is more feminine.
Qwon: So we kind of want to switch it.

10: What is one fashion faux pas that bothers you or you’d consider a complete no-no?

Qwon: You know those pants where the butt part is very droopy? I don’t get people who wear that!
Qjin: Some guys wear their pants so low that their underwear shows. Those stuff I don’t get.

11: What’s a pattern that you like the most (in terms of fashion) come back every season?

Qwon: Leopard! I’m wearing it right now!

12: If you could style any K-Pop group or artist who would it be and what kind of style would you put them in?

Qwon: We would love to style BLACKPINK. It would be so amazing. We got so inspired by their latest release, “DDU-DU DDU-DU.” Lisa’s pink jumpsuit was great!
Qjin: Something I’d like to see them in, is more a city-chic style. They’re more colorful [in style] but I would like them to be a more toned down but in a chic, city woman style.

Romper vs overalls?
Qjin: Overalls
Qwon: Romper

Mules vs sandals?
Qjin: Mules
Qwon: Mules

Snapback or bucket hat?
Qjin: Snapback
Qwon: Bucket Hat
Qjin: Are we twins? Are you sure we’re twins? [laughs]

White or black?
Qjin: Black
Qwon: Black

Lipstick or Lipgloss?
Qjin: Lipgloss
Qwon: Lipstick

13: Last question, are there any updates, information or future plans that you would like to tell readers and Qtees to look forward to in the coming future?

Qwon: We’re planning on going to Malaysia, Bali, and Japan. We really want to do a meet and greet with Qtees there.
Qjin: We’re also coming out with our own merchandise so I hope our Qtees will like it!

Getting Qute with Q2Han! — The Kraze (2025)


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